Toll-Free Messaging Verification Guide
- Last updated on February 12, 2024 at 6:35 PM
Effective January 31, 2024, messages sent through pending toll-free phone numbers will be blocked. Only verified toll-free phone numbers will be eligible to send messages.
What do you need to do?
If you want to keep sending messages on toll-free phone numbers, submit your toll free for registration as soon as possible. It can take up to three weeks to verify your toll-free phone numbers; you’ll receive an update when these phone numbers are verified or rejected.
SkySwitch Toll-Free Messaging Verification Process
The toll-free verification process qualifies messaging traffic to be tagged as verified with our downstream peers (not directly with mobile operators). The approved tag reduces the number of false-positive blocks and helps increase the message deliverability on a single toll-free number (TFN).
Verification is not whitelisting, so approval doesn’t guarantee that the customer won’t experience any blocking. However, as long as the sent traffic aligns with the verification application, this allows us to work with our peers more swiftly in order to share the campaign details with the mobile operator and ask for the blocking to be removed.
In the context of A2P/10DLC, Campaign refers to 'Use Case' while Brand refers to a 'Company Entity.' Please visit our Glossary of Terms for A2P/10DLC and Toll-Free Messaging Compliance Article for definitions of terms found within this article.
Toll-Free Verification Timelines
Once our CSP team receives the form, it’ll be submitted within one business day. Upon submission, it can take up to 3 weeks for a single toll-free number request to receive a response from our peer confirming approval, denial, or asking clarifying questions.
Unlike 10DLC, where most campaigns receive an immediate and automated rating, toll-free verification requests are reviewed manually by our peer. For batch/bulk submissions, turnaround times may vary.
Factors that may cause a delay in processing:
- High volume of incoming requests
- Incomplete or unclear fields
- Multiple submissions
- Multiple toll-free numbers on a request
Sharing of end-user information
The sharing and selling of end-user information with third parties for marketing purposes violates both the SkySwitch policy and our peers’ messaging policies and is therefore ineligible for verification.
Ineligible Use Cases
The table below lists all ineligible use cases by category.
High-Risk Financial Services | Get Rich Quick Schemes | Debt Forgiveness | Illegal Substances/ Activities | General |
SkySwitch Toll-Free Messaging Campaign Form Instructions
Please be sure to submit detailed information in the form located in your Partner Dashmanager by navigating to Telco > Phone Numbers > Toll Free A2P > Forms Tab, as seen below.
Toll-free campaign Form Fields and Descriptions:
- Reseller ID: Enter your SkySwitch Reseller ID.
- Message Sender Legal Business Name: This is the State registered name of the company.
- Message Sender Email: The email address used to send the email.
- Message Sender Contact Phone Number
- Message Sender Contact Name: First and Last Name.
- Message Sender Business Address: The primary/corporate address of the message sender.
- Enter the Toll-Free Numbers you are registering for this use case: Enter ten digits with no spaces, dashes, commas, or prefixes. Only 1 TFN is allowed per form.
- Please Summarize the Use Case or Campaign Description: Please describe your use case and the purpose of your messages (i.e. appointment reminders, receipts, etc.). Please be descriptive to prevent processing delays.
- Conversational
- Marketing
- Informational
- Appointment Reminders
- Sales
- Receipts
- List the Senders Corporate Website, Opt-In, or T&Cs links related to your campaign, if any: List the URL or website address.
- Opt-In process for consumers into the Toll-Free Campaign: Please describe how potential subscribers are opted in to receive messages. State all opt-in methods used.
- IVR: A potential subscriber provides their consent via an interactive voice response.
- Keyword: A potential subscriber texts a keyword (i.e., JOIN) to opt into a messaging program.
- POS or other on-site location: A potential subscriber provides their consent at the point of sale or other on-site location.
- Via paper form: A potential subscriber provides their consent at an in-person location via a paper form.
- Weblink/URL: A potential subscriber enters their telephone number through a website to opt into a messaging program.
- Other: Use this field to detail any other type of opt-in not listed above.
Note: Consent should not be acquired from a third party. Third-party opt-in is not supported and is not eligible for verification.
- Sample Content: Please include a sample message. Please include 1-3 variations of the messages you intend to send.
- Where are the Toll-Free number(s) advertised?: Please list the website URL, print ads, or POS display locations.
- Please choose the category that best represents your use case or content: Use the drop-down menu to select a category that closely resembles your use case.
- Monthly Estimated Message Volume: Please provide a number that best represents the estimated monthly message volume.
Note: After filling out the form, please provide additional proof of how opt-in is collected. You may provide screenshots or documents in the ticket generated by the request.
Examples of additional proof for opt-in methods:
- If using Website opt-in: Include screenshots of the web form where the client adds the number and agrees to receive messaging.
- If using Website Posting (Support): Include a screenshot where the number is advertised and where the customer can find the number to text in.
- If using a keyword or QR Code Opt-in: Include where the customer finds the keyword in order to opt-in to these messages. Please provide this material (photos or screenshots) for verification.
- If using Voice/IVR Opt-in: Please provide a screenshot record of opt-in via voice in the client's database/ CRM. (IE, a check box on their CRM saying that the customer opted in and the date)
- If using 2FA/OTP: Please provide screenshot(s) of the process to receive the initial text.
- If using a Paper form (Customer / Employee): Please include a photo of the form.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are the minimum requirements to get verified?
- Toll-free number(s)
- Verification brief with the required field completed
- The use case is not listed on our Ineligible Use Case list
- Opt-in process is documented/detailed
- Carrier Best Practices (CTIA guidelines) are being followed
What are the benefits of going through the verification process?
- Reduced amount of false-positive blocks
- Faster resolution for deliverability issues
- Increased protection for your customer’s brand
Can I whitelist campaigns?
Verification is NOT whitelisting. Verification doesn’t systematically remove or prevent any spam blocking. However, it’ll put the use case on file with our peers so that we can work with them more quickly if the messages are blocked. Verification only impacts active deliverability with our toll-free messaging partner, not mobile carriers.
My verified toll-free number(s) got blocked. Can I unblock it?
Yes, please open a support ticket with our support team. If the number is already verified, please share this information in the ticket for a quicker resolution.
How many numbers can I submit at once?
The verification process is designed to verify a single number with a single use case. We do, however, understand that there are other use cases that require more than one number. Please be sure to explain the business reason behind utilizing multiple phone numbers. If the information is not mentioned, they may deny the request or ask for additional information.
Is there a fee to register?
Toll-Free verification is free of charge.